Thank you to the many supporters of the Clemons Lab.
We are very grateful for your support
The National Institutes of Health through the following grants:
NIBIB R03: Supramolecular polymers for targeted protein degradation
NIBIB R21: Biology the initiator for biocompatible polymerization
The BioPACIFIC MIP User Facility
National Science Foundation through the following grants:
NSF EPSCoR Track-1: Center for Emergent Molecular Optoelectronics (CEMOs).
NSF EPSCoR Track-4: Bioactive surfaces
NSF: BIOMAT Division: Peptide self-assembly inspired by amyloid fibrils for materials.
The American Australian Association - Dow Chemical Company Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Microscopes in Schools program - The Rotary Foundation
The Fiona Wood Foundation
The Drapeau Center for Undergraduaet Research at the University of Southern Mississippi