For Educators
We need scientific research more than ever, however connecting our students and staff with the cutting edge is sometimes challenging. The Clemons Lab is committed to inspiring and supporting the next generation of scientists through a number of avenues below. With expertise in chemistry, materials science and chemistry education, we can tailor a program just right for your students, staff or both. Get in touch today.
Teaching and Learning Resources
Check out our Nanotechnology Teaching and Learning Guide (includes lesson plans, worksheets and activities) developed in collaboration with The University of Western Australia and matched to the Australian Chemistry Curriculum.
School Incursions & Keynotes
Whether it is inspiring students about career opportunities in science or the lessons learn’t as a professional athlete I am confident I can provide an engaging and insightful keynote address in your classroom or at your next school function. See below some recent testimonials from students and teachers alike.
Tailored presentation for your needs
With and/or without visual aids
Available online and in person
Staff Professional Development
I have a great amount of respect for teachers, such an important role in inspiring and shaping the next generation. Let me help you do that, through professional development seminars for teachers. These include, how to bring science research into the classroom, how to build an inclusive culture, team work and effective communication strategies. I am happy to work with you to provide tailored content and strategies specific for your needs.
Tailored presentation for your needs
Available online and in person
Science Cafe
Stay tuned for the Southern Mississippi Science Cafe planned for 2023 in the Hattiesburg area. This event will bring together scientists from all walks of life to connect with students across the district to excite and provide an insight for students into ‘what life in the sciences is really like.’ Will be a one-day exciting excursion opportunity targeted at 10th and 11th grade students. Please get in touch via email to register interest.
See what people are saying about Tristan
“Dr Clemons, the work you do is absolutely amazing! Your passionate lecture about being a nanoscientist was extremely dynamic – it was great to learn about what your job entails. I find it remarkable how you manage being a scientist and a professional hockey player at the same time! I especially enjoyed your analogy about your different hats in life! Thank you so much for the great talk and for showing us how you’ve failed and what you’ve achieved. It was definitely an inspiring lecture. Thanks a lot!” Jemima (Year 11 science student, 2018)
“The lectures were very well received, with students and teachers saying that they thoroughly enjoyed the lecture. Personally I was most impressed with both the quality of your presentation and with the inspirational content.” Russell (High school science teacher, 2018).