Recent News
Dori Harcharik our 2024 Summer REU from Western Washington took out second place in the Mississippi EPSCoR/ IDEA Conference poster session held at Mississippi State, Starkville. Under the mentorship of Evan Stacy (Clemons Lab Grad Student), Dori thrived this summer fully immersing herself in the research happening in the Clemons Lab. Dori, thank you for being a true asset to the team.
August, 2024
April 2024
PI Clemons was recently acknowledged as the University of Southern Mississippi - Drapeau Center for Undergraduate Research (DCUR) Mentor of the Year 2023! Congratulations to Dr Clemons and importantly as a lab we are grateful for all of our students who have benefited from DCUR funding support. To read more about the award see the USM News release here.
March 2024
They say that when you know you know. Granted these words are often spoken when talking about your life partner but I also think it holds true for first impressions. The thing about first impressions is you only get one, and if you make a good one who knows what doors that could open for your future. I still recall the moment Zack Wallace walked into my office in the Spring of 2022 as a sophomore undergraduate in our program to enquire about research in our lab, and in the first 30 seconds I knew. I knew by the way he proudly stood tall, by his respectful and humble demeanor, his firm handshake, and the thoughtfulness around his responses to my questions that he was the real deal. Zack has been a member of the Clemons Lab ever since and he was recently recognized with an honorable mention by Cell Press in the Rising Black Scientist Awards - national recognition for all the hard work he puts in. As Zack prepares to embark on the next phase of his academic journey in graduate school, I have no doubt he'll continue to make waves and leave a lasting impact in all he pursues. It's been an absolute privilege to be part of his journey thus far, and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing all the incredible things he'll accomplish in his future. Zack well done mate, and remember, first impressions are important. Check out his Essay Memories that Last, published in CellPress iScience, and a recent news article from Southern Miss News.
August 2022
“I had never done any research in a laboratory setting before this program and I had no idea what to expect. I was welcomed here in the Clemons Lab with open arms and my many, many questions were always received and answered well. It truly took me by surprise how friendly everyone was – my two graduate student mentors Penelope and Evan were wonderful, and even outside the Clemons Lab everyone I met was amazing. There are so many different types of people here, and yet everyone is willing and able to work together in a collaborative, community-focused, encouraging environment. The Clemons lab in particular is all about conducting impactful research while maintaining a collaborative environment, which has definitely translated to my experience. I’ve been able to learn much more than I’d ever thought possible this summer and have had a lot of fun at the same time. Thanks!”
Ronnie Cunitz, NSF REU Student, August 2022
Really proud of Ronnie the first NSF REU student in the Clemons Lab. She did fantastic work in her time with us and I am very grateful for the fantastic mentorship both Penelope and Evan provided her while in our lab. Picture is from Ronnie’s final presentation at the Mississippi IDeA/EPSCoR Conference 2022.
July 2022
Our first group photo! Plenty of smiles in December at USM as finals are done and the sun is still shining in Hattiesburg.
December, 2021
Follow along on the socials.
January 2021 - Meet the Researcher interview for the Simpson Querrey Institute.
Tristan Clemons, PhD, is a father to two young girls, elite athlete in the not-so-distant past, and senior post-doc in the Stupp Research Group. Click the link below for the full interview.
August 2020 - One, two, three - Thrive. Congratulations Ruth on the Three to Thrive article being published in the ‘Working Life’ section of Science.
“I struggled in grad school—until I learned to set realistic goals” Sieun Ruth Lee, grad student from the Stupp lab, mentored by Tristan Clemons writes this honest piece about the Three to Thrive strategy they worked on together to help through a pandemic and to focus in on research aims.
March 2018 - Dr Tristan Clemons recognized by WA Business News with a number of 40U40 awards
Established in 2002 by BUSINESSNEWS, the 40under40 Awards program is designed to recognize and celebrate Western Australia's 40 leading business entrepreneurs under the age of 40. Tristan was recognized for his research success, coupled with his entrepreneurial endeavors with Get Flapped and Marry Me Clemo.
December 2017 - News article in the Indian Express featuring Dr Tristan Clemons while in India with the Australian Hockey Team
To the world, Clemons is the unmovable rock manning the Australian goal. Back home, however, his goalkeeping exploits are less known. Even on his LinkedIn page, his hockey career is virtually a footnote. Clemons, instead, is a marriage officiant and designer of flap hats. But he is famous more for his work in the field of science.
October 2017 - Can nanotechnology heal scar tissue?
An article written by Alex Dook for the Particle Magazine on work from the Clemons Lab addressing nanoparticle applications in promoting wound healing and the treatment of scarring following burn injuries.